half life 2 episode 2 читы
06.04.2014, 06:09
half life 2 episode 2 читы
06.04.2014, 10:09
Сначала в настройках нужно включить консоль: Настойки — Клавиатура — Дополнительно, ставим галку напротив «Консоль разработчика». Прежде чем использовать коды, необходимо активировать консоль. Делается это так. Запустите Steam, кликните по вкладке Мои игры, найдите в списке Half-Life 2: Episode One и кликните по названию правой кнопкой мыши. Выбирайте пункт Properties, далее — Launch Options и в появившемся окне вбейте -console. Half-Life® 2: Episode One is the first in a series of new adventures created by Valve that extends the Half-Life® 2 single player experience. Stepping into the hazard suit of Dr. Gordon Freeman, you face the immediate repercussions of your actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Rejoin Alyx Vance and her robot, Dog, to once again aid the human resistance in their desperate battle against the totalitarian alien menace of the Combine. Episode One exposes Alyxs combat skills and knowledge of City 17 as the player battles side-by-side with her in this 4-6 hour adventure of greater density and detail than non-episodic releases. The intense gameplay delivered in Episode One is made possible only by Source®, Valve’s proprietary engine technology, which has been enhanced with new rendering technology and advanced artificial intelligence to deliver new levels of graphics and character interaction. give для получения желаемой вещи. коды.